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Kays Magic

Protection Spell Bottle, Small, Necklace Cord Optional

Protection Spell Bottle, Small, Necklace Cord Optional

Regular price $9.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $9.55 USD
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Necklace Cord

A small glass bottle filled with herbs and minerals known for their magical protection properties, corked, and attached to a necklace. Every ingredient is placed with the intention of providing cleansing and protection to the person in possession of the bottle. Each bottle is uniquely handcrafted, therefore, no two bottles are alike! All herbs and flowers are homegrown or are sourced from trusted vendors.

Each necklace has a toggle type necklace clasp. The necklace color is customizable in the personalization section. Please refer to available options and be aware that those can change at any time.

In each bottle, you will find:

Pink Himalayan Salt - Protection, Cleansings, Abundance, Love, Prosperity
Sea Salt - Mixed with the currents, forests of sea life, and moved by pull of the moon, sea salt is a potent form of protection infused with the power of the sea.
Rosemary - Promote Love, Romance, Protection, Purification
Sage - Cleansing, Purification, Protection, Banishing Evil Spirits, Repelling Negativity
Palo Santo - Enhances Creativity, Reduce Anxiety, Promote Feelings of Joy, Insect Repellent

Each bottle's cork is sealed with beautifully scented candle wax and fresh dried rose petals.

This bottle can be carried as a charm to protect the holder of the bottle from negative energy, spirits, and psychic attacks. It can also be kept it in your home as an extra charm of protection.

These bottles make fantastic additions to any altar, and are great trinkets to gift. I personally gifted a love spell bottle to my 7 year old daughter (from another listing of mine) on a whim! She loves how pretty it looks and finds the magical descriptions behind each ingredient fascinating. :) ...Now, you likely aren't shopping for a 7 year old... but you can definitely appreciate the versatility of this little bottle! The possibilities for use are endless!!

Disclaimer: The buyer assumes all upon purchase. Kay’s Magic does not make any claims or guarantees about the outcome of your magical workings. I can only try to influence the odds with my own magical practice, however, I can not force things to be so. This information is not intended to treat or prevent any illness, disease or injury.


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