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Kays Magic

Rune Spell Beeswax Carved Small Votive Candle Set, 6 pcs

Rune Spell Beeswax Carved Small Votive Candle Set, 6 pcs

Regular price $23.89 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.89 USD
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The product you will be receiving is a set of six beautifully carved and painted Rune Spell Candles. These candles are designed to activate and enhance your spell work by using the power of runes. To activate the spells, simply light the candle and allow it to burn down completely on a flat surface.

The set includes six different Rune Spells that each carry their own unique energy and meaning. These spells include Strength, Drive Away Evil, Fertility, Abundance, Power, and Divine Visions. Each candle in the set has three carved runes on its surface, creating a powerful combination for each spell.

Overall, this Rune Spell Candle set can be an incredibly helpful tool in your spiritual practice for manifesting your intentions and desires.

Here are affirmations for each of the six candles in the Rune Spell Beeswax Carved Standard Votive Candle Set:

1. Strength: "I am strong and capable, and I can handle anything that comes my way."
2. Drive Away Evil: "I release all negative energy from my life and welcome only positivity and love."
3. Fertility: "I am fertile in mind, body, and soul, and open to new opportunities and possibilities."
4. Abundance: "I attract abundance and prosperity into my life, and am grateful for all that I have."
5. Power: "I am powerful beyond measure and can manifest my dreams and desires effortlessly."
6. Divine Visions: "I am connected to the Divine and open to receiving guidance and wisdom for my highest good."

Repeat these affirmations as you light the corresponding candle, and visualize yourself embodying these qualities and manifesting your intentions. Enjoy the beautiful energy and magic that these candles bring into your life!


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