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Kays Magic

Money Draw Votive Spell Candle

Money Draw Votive Spell Candle

Regular price $0.50 USD
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This Money Draw Votive Spell Candle is a powerful tool for those seeking to attract abundance and prosperity into their lives. The bright green color of the candle is associated with growth, abundance, and prosperity, making it a perfect choice for a money spell.

This candle is infused with the magic of color, which is believed to affect our energies and emotions, and promote positive changes in our lives. Lighting this candle while meditating or focusing on your intentions may help you manifest more money and abundance into your life.

The candle is easy to use and transport, making it a convenient tool for your money-drawing rituals.

Affirmation for the candle: "I am open to receiving fast cash and abundance in all areas of my life. With each flame of this candle, I draw in positive energy and blessings towards my financial situation. I trust that the Universe will provide me with what I need, and I am grateful for the abundance that comes my way. I use it to create a better life for myself and those around me. So mote it be."


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